Training is for less-privileged; human beings are developed. We enable people to explore and learn. We never spoon-feed them.In many companies people are over-trained but under-developed. All our programs, therefore, are implementable and de-jargonized.People learn in different ways. We recognize this and design our delivery methods keeping VAK (Visual/auditory/kinesthetic) mix in view.People can learn most when they open their mind. All our programs are designed with silent methods of keeping participants’ mind open. Mind opens up automatically while enjoying and laughing. Our programs are full of humor and fun.Constant awareness converts knowledge into practice. We keep participants alert and aware and also make them learn techniques, which help them in improving their alertness.



After attending this program, the participants will be able to

  1. Understand and believe that Their safety is their responsibility ALL accidents/ injuries are preventable
  2. Realize that their own unsafe behaviours lead to accidents and injuries, and change them to safe behaviour
  3. Stop taking risks by understanding that the long term bad effects of injuries are far more harmful than short term gains of unsafe behaviour.
  4. Observe unsafe behaviours of others and give feedback to fellow workers to improve their safe behaviour
  5. Observe and assess unsafe conditions and modify behaviour of those creating unsafe conditions.


Medium of conducting the program for blue collar employees will be colloquial Hindi/ English with some commonly used English words. All training material like course ware, work book, video films, handouts etc. will be in Hindi or English as desired by the clients. For those who understand English, the program language will be English.

Day 1

      • Introduction: Participants, Faculty and the Program
      • Setting and clarifying program objectives, Do’s and Don’ts, Power of alertness
      • Linkage between behaviour, accidents and injury
      • Root Cause Analysis of Accidents – unsafe behaviour and conditions
      • Taking Responsibility of safety
      • Habits and Behaviour and how to modify habits

Day 2

      • Understanding Antecedents – Behaviour – Consequences (ABC Model): (cause-effect cycle)
      • Details of ABC model; the causes of at-risk behaviour
      • Short term gains and long term losses; analytical skills
      • Consequence Matrix – Timing – Consistency – Significance
      • Introduction to Observation Skills
      • Preparation of observation check list
      • Shop visit and real time observation of unsafe behaviours

Day 3

    • Observation Skills
    • Processing of shop floor observations
    • Feedback Skills: Peers, superiors; soon, certain and positive
    • How to identify and overcome barriers to safe behaviours
    • Action Planning and Program Feedback
    • Closing