Experiential Learning – Essentials for making it impactful

The term experiential learning means to learn through experience. Quite simply learning by doing. As the famous saying by a Chinese philosopher Confucius goes: “I hear, I know. I see, I remember, I do, I understand”. It is also said that a wise person learns from his mistakes, a wiser one learns from other’s mistakes. […]

Assessment Development Centre (ADC)

At MANVIN, we specialize in providing cutting-edge Assessment Development Centre services to help organizations identify, develop, and retain top talent. Our comprehensive approach combines advanced assessment methodologies, industry expertise, and innovative technologies to deliver actionable insights that drive organizational success. A platform offering a detailed evaluation of individual’s skills, organizational fitment and developmental needs. Cater […]

The buck stops here

Buck passing, or passing the buck, or sometimes (playing) the blame game, a common phrase we generally use is the act of attributing to another person or group one’s own responsibility. Harry Truman had a little sign on his desk while he was president of the USA. It said ‘The buck stops here’. This act is super interesting […]