Everybody’s got a different circle of competence. The important thing is not how big the circle is. The important thing is staying inside the circle
Human capital provides a key competitive advantage in business. Competencies are known to directly impact the bottom line. The future belongs to competent people and competency based organizations. All managers, HR professionals and those related to the field of HR can contribute a great deal towards developing competency based organizations.
This Competency Mapping Workshop aims at equipping professionals, who have a role to play in building competency based organizations and competency
This two full day workshop aims to impart conceptual knowledge and practical skills on competency mapping with the following objectives:
- To develop professional competence (knowledge & skills) to map the competencies required for one’s own role.
- To design and undertake a competency mapping exercise for a set of roles in one’s own organization.
- Generate Behavior Indicators
- Be familiar with various methodologies used for competency mapping
- Develop a Competency Model for the Organisation
- To design various interventions to build a Competency based organization
- Recruitment & Placement
- Induction, Integration and assimilation
- Competency based compensation
- Performance Management
- Competency Development through Learning and Development Interventions,
- Career coaching and other career Development Intervention
- Succession Management and Leadership Development
- Building a competency culture and ensure a competitive advantage
Competency mapping is important and is an essential exercise. Every well managed firm should:
- Have a clear organisational structure
- Well defined roles in terms of the KPAs or tasks and activities associated with each role
- Should have mapped the competencies required for each role
- Where appropriate or needed should have identified the generic competencies for each set of roles or levels of management
- And should use them for recruitment, performance management, promotion decisions, placement and training needs identification.
This Two full day module covers
- Competency Mapping-The WHAT, WHY AND HOW OF Competency Mapping
- Introduction to the concepts of competency mapping (Components, Types, Context, definition)
- Role Set based competency mapping
- Generating Behavior Indicators Module
- Other methods of competency mapping
- BEI, Observation, Expert Panel, Surveys
- Understanding Competency Frameworks, Models and Dictionaries Module
- Competency Based HRM Recruitment, Selection, Induction, PMS, Training and Development, Potential Assessment etc.