Do you feel anxious in taking decisions or while communicating with others? Do you often feel you are not “good enough” or “worthy”? Is it difficult to accept negative statements? Do you doubt your ability to complete a task? Are you fearful of how others perceive you? Are you self-critical of your looks? All of these are manifestations of low confidence and a sign that our confidence needs a boost

Signs and Symptoms of Low Confidence

  • Self-doubt
  • Lack of assertiveness
  • Feelings of unworthiness
  • Fear of judgment in social situations
  • Low self-worth
  • Poor body image
  • Comparison
  • Negative and critical self-talk
  • Dependence on others
  • Social anxiety


Critical Parents/ Teachers

If we have been in an environment where we never received appreciation, support and encouragement, we internalize those critical statements expressed by our close ones especially if they were our primary caretakers like parents, grandparents, relatives.

Constant Comparison

With siblings, friends or peers in terms of appearance, academic achievements lead to poor self-esteem and self-doubt. In such cases we start judging ourselves by keeping other accomplishments as a measuring scale of our own successes.

Traumatic Experience

Impactful experiences ranging from sexual or physical abuse, bullying, neglect by parents, abusive romantic relationships can deteriorate our self-belief and confidence.

Unhealthy Thought Patterns

Often there are certain thought processes and belief systems that we develop due to the experiences we underwent. These patterns of thought and behavior make us rigid and hold on to one perspective. Such thought processes could include.

How Does Online Counselling Help?


Educating the client regarding the process of Counselling. Building a Counselling relationship where client feels safe in opening up and sharing their concerns. First session would include exploring areas in which confidence is lacking through examples and experiences. End the session with identification of goal of Counselling.


Gaining an understanding of the root cause of low confidence and its effect. Delving deeper into how those experiences shaped and affected you. How these experiences made you feel. What thought patterns, core beliefs and behaviors developed out of these experiences that are detrimental to building confidence. For example- “I am not capable”, “I am not good enough”, “ I am a failure” are labels that we give based on few experiences.

Therapist helps to explore and internalize an encouraging voice be it in our past or in the present and how they would have talked to us if we faced a setback.


Exploring negative beliefs and self-defeating thoughts about oneself that may have stemmed from past experiences and challenging them. A therapist helps to bring awareness of negative interpretations, and of behavioral patterns which reinforce the distorted thinking. Cognitive restructuring helps to develop alternative rational ways of thinking and behaving which aim to reduce self-doubt.

Homework- DRDT- Daily Record of Dysfunctional Thoughts where you keep a record of

    • Situations that trigger negative thoughts about self
    • Emotions- What that situation made you feel. Rate strength of feeling on a scale of 1-10
    • Thought right after the experience
    • Rational Response- alternative, positive response


In Counselling, the client’s strengths are evaluated and explored as to how these strengths can be utilized to overcome situations that make them engage in self-doubt. Goal setting is done in sessions to achieve realistic, short term tasks that help in boosting confidence and competency.


Counselling helps you identify what being confident means to you. How would you act if you felt confident and incorporating that in day to day situations? In Counselling sessions, role play is used to understand triggers of low self-esteem and client and therapist practice on how to deal with those situations before facing them in real life and becoming assertive in interactions with others.


Lack of confidence may start with apprehension while speaking to strangers or in front of a large audience which if left untreated can lead to social anxiety or it may manifest as body image concerns but if left unresolved, these concerns can lead to anxiety disorder and panic attacks when faced with uncomfortable, challenging situations.

In many cases, it leads to self-doubts at work which affects performance. In the case of low self-esteem it can lead to insecurities within relationships and self-sabotage before trying something new or challenging situations.

Follow Up

The Counselor will get in touch with you regarding your progress and present situation. This can be done through a call or email. The effectiveness of new strategies and any new challenges faced is discussed.

Counselling Outcome

  • Enhanced self-worth- As one is able to overcome challenging situations, feeling of inadequacy reduces.
  • Positive self-talk- Counselling helps to replace negative, harsh self-talk with nurturing, soothing and supportive self-talk
  • Feeling engaged and comfortable in social situations/interactions- After understanding and surpassing anxiety and discomfort in social situations, you would be able to experience more comfort and engagement in social interactions
  • Focusing on self rather than comparison with others- Clarity is achieved on where to direct attention, energy and focus on- a stronger sense of self