A quality circle is a participatory management technique that enlists the help of employees in solving problems related to their own jobs.

The circle is a relatively autonomous unit (ideally about eight workers), usually led by a supervisor or a senior worker and organized as a work unit. Employees who participate in quality circles usually receive training in formal problem-solving methods such as brainstorming, pareto analysis, cause-and-effect diagram etc. and then are encouraged to apply these methods to either specific or general company problems. After completing an analysis, they often present their findings to management and then handle implementation of approved solutions.

Although most commonly found in manufacturing environments, quality circles are applicable to a wide variety of business situations and problems. They are based on two ideas: that employees can often make better suggestions for improving work processes than management; and that employees are motivated by their participation in making such improvements. Thus if implemented correctly, quality circles can help a business reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve employee morale. Other potential benefits that may be realized by a business include greater operational efficiency, reduced absenteeism, improved employee health and safety, and an overall better working climate.


  • Total Quality Circle approach focuses upon maximization of efficiency, effectiveness, quality, flexibility and innovativeness, by way of participative and problem solving culture.
  • Quality Circles promote reduction in waste, commitment towards quality goals, motivation for involvement, cross functional synchronization, improved communication lines which contributes to the improvement and development of the enterprise.
  • It satisfies the higher human need of recognition and self-development and displays human capabilities fully. It eventually draws out infinite possibilities as “Every man is inherently talented and conducive environment brings best out of him”.


  • Develop problem solving attitude, motivation, develop quality consciousness
  • To improve productivity, reduce defects and customer complaints, reduction in machine    break downs and delays
  • To reduce scrap and cost
  • To improve team work

The working environment becomes conducive after implementation of Quality Circles. Open channels of communication will result in better understanding and the reduction in number of complaints and grievances.




  1. The program can be conducted in batches of 18-20 people, starting at senior levels.
  2. There would be three layered hierarchy in Quality Circle that is Steering Committee, Facilitators, Quality circle leaders & Members.
  3.  Formation of
    •  Steering committee would include Unit Head, Production Head, and Quality Head.
    • Facilitators , usually in-charge of a shop floor or department.
    • Quality circle leaders and members are workers who are belonging to same work area or doing similar type of work.
  1. Manvin Consulting proposes a half day program for Steering committee members. A day program for facilitators and a two day program for quality circle leaders &members in
  2. Manvin Consulting proposes to run this program further as a review workshop of two days on monthly basis for at least a period of six months.

Manvin Consulting Inc.’s expertise lies in

  • Consulting for Quality Circle
  • Training for Quality Circle
  • QC award Preparation